Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Shoah

the gas chamber
the entrance

children in holocaust
the prisoners
where the bodies were burnt

The dark abyss,
beneath and beyond
where millions of spirits float
in no air, no ocean, no moat.

The vacuum
where those spirits howl
in pain and grief they yowl.

The shoah was when,
the spirits were engulfed,
the flesh were burnt,
the souls were poisoned,
in the chambers of death,
in the apocalypse that the world saw,
the HOLOCAUST, swallowed mankind in raw.

This is dedicated to all those innocent people who lost their lives to the cruelty and brutality of the nazi fanaticism. May their soul REST IN PEACE!

Shoah: (hebrew)calamity.
for more information about holocaust, nazi camps and mass jewish extermination in world war 2


  1. This story never fails 2 shock or move me, no matter how many times i read or see it. And every time i am even more disgusted and my hatred 4 hitler manifolds immensly...
    btw love ur blog..
    whose idea??? :P:P

  2. all credit urs... :)
    this poem was for u, and ur movie stirped pyjamas.

  3. Awesome writing yet again...........this wonderful creation of yours managed to penetrate even a tough heart like mine.......pleasa keep up this good it... <3<3

  4. so sweet of u owl :)
    ur appreciation makes me wanna write even more n better!

  5. brilliant stuff!!!spellbound by your blog :)

  6. thank you ankee... m happy u liked it :)

  7. Concentration Camps... Dr. Joseph Mengele
